Elektra Records/WMG, The Last Meet + Greet, 2004 in NYC
Dans les coulisses #sanstoi #djmas #CIV225
UK Black History Month 2020 : Over 100 years before RuPaul was telling us to 'sashay away', William Dorsey Swann, who had been born into slavery in 19th Century America, was making a name for themself as the world’s first self-described drag queen.
LGBTQ+ historian Channing Joseph, author of House of Swann, explains how he discovered the forgotten history of one of the earliest efforts of queer resistance and liberation in America. #avoté
Cadreuse/Productrice/Monteuse (JRI), Alva N'GUESSAN sur place à la Nouvelle Orléans et Jersey City, USA
Animation by Dan John, BBC News Reel
(975) Me voilà devant le haut siège de l’éducation de l’état de New York afin de dénoncer les facs de la ligue leurre vers la 116è et Broadway de Man-hata, NYC #violetpride #FrancoIvoiroNordique #CIV64 #jemesouveins #JulesFerry
16 August 2024
Legacy candidate, New York University (NYU), class of 1964
I pitched, produced, scripted and narrated this explainer news video for AJ+ for US Black History Month 2021. Mississippi native Stacey Abrams declared the state a “battleground state” as she and other activists work to flip one of the most reliably Republican states blue.
After all, Democrats did it in Georgia, right? But in a state that has a long, painful history of slavery, brutal racism and voter suppression, is it even possible?
AJ+ talked to Jackson Mayor Chockwe Antar Lumumba and civic engagement activists from across the state to examine Mississippi’s chances of becoming a toss-up state. #avoté
US Black History Month 2018 : These teenagers fighting gun violence in Chicago say the country has reacted very differently to their activism efforts than it has to the Parkland students’ efforts. So the two groups are teaming up to call for gun control.
I pitched this video, then filmed it as a one-person band on location in Chicago, later scripted, and edited the video published on BuzzFeed News’ online platforms in March 2018.
This video was part of BuzzFeed News' livestream coverage of the March For Our Lives in the aftermath of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida on Valentine's Day 2018. #avoté
US Black History Month 2018 : Stacey Abrams says she wants to "change what the face of leadership looks like." Stacey Abrams, the former Georgia state lawmaker with a side hustle as a romance novelist, faces Stacey Evans in the Democratic primary election on May 22.
I pitched this video, then filmed it as a one-person band on location in Savannah, Georgia, later scripted, and edited the video published on BuzzFeed News’ online platforms in May 2018. This video was part of BuzzFeed News' ongoing coverage of the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race. #avoté
US Black History Month 2020 : I pitched, produced, edited and voiced this news video explainer for Refinitiv's digital platforms as a NewsGuild Level 1 Journalist at Refinitiv New York CDI video producer on the Consumer Video Unit.
Published to Twitter on Reuters' social media accounts, le 10 janvier 2020. #avoté
Please reach me at alva at NYU dot EDU if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes, since 2014. I, privatecitizen.fr, have been represented by a professional creative agent, Zaïneb, a non-American, non-native English speaking woman and a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, you know where THE Barbara Walters is an alum?
🇫🇷 jesuisjournaliste.fr #NotAmerican #LaFilledeSimonetRaama #SimonandRaamasdaughter #NotFrenchandAmerican #NeverFrenchandAmerican #DimaBocanda #Bonaparte #NeveraDrakefan #UnionJobs #VivelaCGT #Beaumarchais #BUMIDOM #SalaryGirl #NYUGraduateclassof199x #LegacycandidateNYUclassof1965 #BornwithaDanishsurnameChristiansen 🇫🇷 Journalist€ + 🇫🇷 Cinéast€ #Notdatingawhiteguy #Notdatingahotepguy #NotdatinganAmericanguy #Notdatingaguyyouknow #Notyourfriend #jussanguinis #NeveraBeyoncefan #Le33danslesang #VivenouslesBleus #Ramolino #SainteClothilde #pasjuive #NotJewish #NotCatholic #pascatho #NotbornintheUSA #UneRépubliqueundrapeauuneéquipeunelangue #UneSeulecouleurcelledumaillot #Globalmediacareers
E allora ?
His name ? Monsieur et Madame de So sorry, la conasse, elle et moi, on ne mange pas de porc. On ne cherche pas de femme de ménage, non plus. Bon vent et casse-toi, plus rapidement que cela, bref Z I N E D I N E
1 December 2023
privatecitizen.fr , I have no projects to discuss with anyone. Full stop.
He and I gave at the office. You have the wrong address.
Please move along. #hbesslemytho
Yennyayer 2973
1 December 2023
E allora ?
privatecitizen.com : Non, I am not a first-time filmmaker. I come from a creative family who has been active in the visual and performing arts world outside of the United States since, at least the late 19th century.
I wrote and directed my first short film after graduating from NYU in 1996. It's called
neveranabortion.org A film about my grandparents by Alva French ™
It premiered in 1999 at a local film festival in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
1 December 2023
Copyright © 2025 🇫🇷 فيل صحافي 🇫🇷 Alva N’GU€SSAN ₣R€NCH #FrenchNiggerExpat : Tactil€ ₣ilms, LLC 🇫🇷
🇫🇷 privatecitizen.fr : Raama Maralène ₣RENCH + Alva N’GUESSAN ₣RENCH + Mr. + Mme. Daniel Chrishna FRENCH + Mr. + Mme. Daniel Charles FRENCH + The Estate of Mr. + Mme. Daniel Crosier FRENCH + Karen G. HAMILTON + The Estate of Mr. + Mrs. Sherman Taylor + Mr. + Mme. Simon Kouadio N'GUESSAN + Zeynep Sen, WordLink Literary Agency #jussanguinis #Lafayette #BUMIDOM
[[[ Not from 🇺🇸 Albany, NY ]]]
[[[ 🇪🇺 Nordy 🇪🇺 Nigger 🇪🇺 ]]]
[[[ 🇫🇷 French 🇫🇷 Nigger Expat 🇫🇷 ]]]
[[[ 🇫🇷 ALVA 🇫🇷 FRENCH 🇫🇷 DOES 🇫🇷 NOT 🇫🇷 MAKE 🇫🇷 MOVIES 🇫🇷 ]]]
[[[ 🇫🇷 ALVA 🇫🇷 IS 🇫🇷 UNPOPULAR 🇫🇷 ]]]
[[[ 🇫🇷 ALVA 🇫🇷 FRENCH 🇫🇷 IS 🇫🇷 NOT 🇫🇷 YOUR 🇫🇷 FRIEND 🇫🇷 ]]]
le 2 novembre 2095
🇫🇷 Journalist€ + #NotAmerican 🇫🇷 #unpopular 🇫🇷 French 🇫🇷 Nigger 🇫🇷 Expat 🇫🇷 #pasjuive #notJewish
🇫🇷 Made in ₣rance ®
l'(H)Alva(h) + J₣₣C + Zaïneb show since 2001, spell that three times fast, NIGGAz ™ :
bilingueanglais POINT dé zed x djfennec POINT dé zed
#Non So sorry, la conasse. On ne mange pas de porc. jesuisterf.com ™ #droitdusol #droitdusang #BrandingAfrica francobaoulée.fr neverbradpittsgirlfriend.com ™ #NiggaBitch #NiggaBiquede #santime fille de, TEAMSTER #avoté #privatecitizen #Omnivore #Essentialworker #Diplômée staymadrory.fr #VivelazoneeuroauxAntillescheznous #Polyvalente #Polyglotte #BornwithaWASPnameChristiansen #BradPittlèchebite #échecpub #ÊtreÉléphantcestÉléphant #VivelnotrevictoiredeWagram #mes4vérités djsnake.org ™ regardscroisés.com ™ alvaamoinisneverdeseperateforfuglywhiteguydick.org ™ #djmas gafataxehoy.com ™ TEAMSTER #VivelaCGT fantinesrevenge.com ™ #Omnivore flatbushfrog.com ™ #Noaffirmativeactionneeded notblack.fr francobaoulée.fr #SonsofBen jesuiscartésienne.fr Arrête de faire chier Bernard Tapie alvaamoinisneverdesperatefordick.org ™ #ViveleBUMIDOM #Libresdansmeschoix #NoRegrets #LaSOCANanglophonelèchedéchetsnucléaires immaletyoufinish.fr nonviolentrapbattles.com ™ #D1Arkema boycottthewnba.com ™ jesuiscartésienne.fr jesuisfrançafricainiste.com ™ blackblancbeurbleu.fr ™ jesuisfrançaisedesouche.com ™ #MAGA2023 djfenotte.fr djparigote.fr djkermethaetsesboyfriends.com ™ #Vivelazonedollarfleurdelisée #GuyLaFleurPrésident #Vivelanée2023NapoléonBonaparteIII #StaymadDeborah #Vivelecognac #VivelaFrancelibre #Jemesouviens iamtiredofdemocratmeninmyuterus.org ™ #AuxLarmestoilesbassinoiresfoutaises #VivelePCF failedfrenchchildactress.org ™
al-alva-asaïd.com ™ alvafrench.org ™ supernana.org ™ mangerbouger.fr djmutineetsesboyfriends.com ™ djmutineawards.com ™ neverabeyoncefan.org ™ neveranabortion.org ™ neverafuglyditeswhitegirl.org ™ neveradrakefan.org ™ ihaveneverhadauti.org ™
gullotinegang.fr #₣raQC₣rAfr #Notfriendswith #ViveleCAC40 #VatefairefoutrelaboursedeChicagodechezEUX #Douvresberne #ViveNotreEmpiredesFrançais #mespireséchecs #ÉdouardBalladurPrésident #NeverFrenchandAmerican #SaleChienne #Choisirnotrematernité #PlannedParenthoodberne #PourquelaFrancerestelaFrance dzigavertova.com ™ pasfollelagquêpe.com ™ djéclaireuse.fr #ViveHenriIIIdeNavarre #VivelaLuneauxÉtoiles #ViveNouslesCalvinistesdeFrance #Ledawacesteux privatecitizen.fr neveraninfluencer.com ™ #Lesrageuxcritiquerontlesvraissauront sabrinalarabee.fr lesvioletvillains.com ™ cecinestpasunecrime.com ™ alvafrench.com ™ thatbitchwiththeafro.com ™ speakanyenglish.com ™ néefrancilienne.com ™ néefrançaise.com ™ çamedébecte.com ™ jesuisafropéene.com ™ alvafrenchisnotyourfriend.com ™ yourenotinvited.org ™ yankeegohome.fr politicsaredead.com ™ Long live politics ™ djéchevine.fr aprèsmoiledéluge.fr ™ djtroublefête.com ™ bilingueanglais.fr bilinguepoquelinais.fr alvaa.fr jesuispéquiste.fr #IhateDemocratmeninmyuterus #IHATEabortion neverfrenchandamerican.org ™ jesuiscinéaste.fr #Mon20mars #Francofête2023 #ViveleColbertisme Vive nos aïeux à nous les Gaulois ! Samuel de Champlain Président ! #BornwithaWASPnameBonaparte #CIV225 #Le33danslesang #3640WeshRek #FrancoIvoiroDanoise #ZibZiblaFrancofête ihaveneverbeentoplannedparenthood.org ™ #BoycottNYU2023Commencementceremonies #Uneseulecouleurcelledumaillot #Simonsdaughter #Raamasdaughter #ForzaViola #Dormirdebout #Debouttoujours #LilyRoseDepplafrancoricainefilledeuxbaptiséetellequellelèchecul #StaymadSinead #MarquerDemain #LafilledeSimonetRaama #IhatetheBeatles #Dimala₣rançAfrique #EmilyinKenosha #NotJewish #pasjuive #NotCatholic #Notaweedsmoker #Neveraweedsmoker #NYUGraduateclassof199x #Unionjobs
Who cares, anglophone africa ?
Don't believe in Ouagadougou (+ 226 ) World, Ninja double up, n'est-ce pas Dango Ouattara ?
La chanson des ₣rançAfricains ...
يميت الشاه الشطرنج
Allahu Akbar
Bismillah à l'aller, Bismillah au retour
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